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Diabetes Fact Sheet

Who's At Risk?

In the U.S., over 29 million people have Type 2 Diabetes. This is over 9% of the population or roughly one in every eleven people. Of these, over 8 million are undiagnosed and unaware they have the disease.  

Asthma Fact Sheet

What is Asthma? 

Asthma is a chronic disease that a颅ffects the lungs and causes periods of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nightly/early morning coughing.  

Cervical Cancer Fact Sheet

What's All this Talk about Screening? 

Cervical cancer can be found early and even prevented with routine screening tests. The Pap test is the main screening test for cervical cancer and pre-cancerous changes. 

Mental Health Fact Sheet

What is Stress? 

Stress can be defined as the brain's response to any demand, real or imagined, positive or negative. Routine stress includes the pressures of work, family, and other daily responsibilities. 

Pancreatic Cancer Fact Sheet

What Are the Types of Pancreatic Cancer? 

The cells of the pancreas form different types of tumors. The two types of pancreatic cancers include exocrine pancreatic cancers and endocrine pancreatic cancers.  

HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet

How Do You Get HIV/AIDS? 

HIV is only transmitted from an infected person to another person through direct contact with the following bodily fluids: blood (including menstrual blood), semen/cum/pre-cum/ejaculate, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. 

Cardiovascular Disease Fact Sheet

What is Cardiovascular Disease? 

Cardiovascular disease is commonly referred to as Heart Disease and describes a range of conditions that affect the heart, mostly related to a process called artherosclerosis. 

Using Quality Parenting Community Brief

Why is Quality Parenting Important? 

Higher self-esteem, less antisocial behavior, better social skills, healthy psychological adjustment and better physical health have all been shown to come from quality parenting